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Chili Hot Dog Eating Competition

Jennifer Regalado & Dally Perez

Lehman College held a chili hot dog eating competition recently that drew 10 participants who were required to eat 10 chili hot dogs. There were seven males and three females keen on getting the prize — a $100 gift card.

“I wanted to bring the student community together,” said Richard Pagan, the event coordinator. “I know the students work hard all year long, they deserve to have some fun,” he added.

Early into the competition, two participants emerged as contenders. Johalee Perez and James Martinez were head-to-head through most of the contest.

Perez and Martinez used different tactics. Perez ate all his wieners first, leaving all the buns for last, which he dipped in water before eating them. Martinez, on the other hand, ate his chili hot dogs and buns altogether.

In the end, Perez became the Lehman College’s ultimate chili hot dog eater. “I was surprised, I actually didn’t prepare,” Perez said. When asked what he will do with his prize, he said: “I am going to buy them all lunch,” for his girlfriend and classmates who were his personal cheerleaders.

“I will not eat again until 2 o’clock tomorrow,” said Martinez who came in second place. He added, “I will probably eat another hot dog six months from now.”

Martinez feels that if they would have based the winning decision on who swallowed everything first, then he would have won.

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