Multimedia Coverage of New York City

The Wild Cowboys Mini Series

In the mid-1980’s the country was hit with a crack cocaine epidemic–a drug that was easier to produce and more profitable for drug dealers, but devastating to New York City.

The Wild Cowboys Gang made a huge impact on the South Bronx and Washington Heights, where they were formed, through their successful drug-dealing business.

Their rise and fall reveals an interesting era of New York City history that has been told by those who have lived it, and now by a movie.

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  • I just wanted to say that I strongly support this project. I read the book many years ago and thought WOW this could turn into a great movie. I am from NY, born in the City and raised in Queens and my parents are from the D.R. I can definately relate to these events, as my Ex-Husband, Omar (Toasty) was locked up with Lenny, almost lost his life (2x) during this era. Long story short these events are real and should be brought out to our younger generation so that these footsteps would not be followed.