Multimedia Coverage of New York City
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This pop-up installation located in Battery Park City is bringing a new approach to art through emotional interaction.

Fast-food employees, child care providers and many other underpaid workers rallied on November 10th in several locations across the city.

Fordham University has launched a program with Sodexo to combat food waste and hunger.

A musical journey of perseverance written by Bruce Purse.

The Lehman College festival invited six choreographers to showcase their work in various dance genres: tango, Afro-Caribbean, Butoh, Irish step dancing, and salsa.

FBI Director James Comey sparked a controversy recently when he suggested that law enforcement officials might be less aggressive in pursuing criminals because they fear they might be demonized on social media or YouTube.

There is rarely a dull moment during this hour-long ride on Randall's Island.

A New York Public Library exhibit shows different ways that photographs have been shot and shared with the public since 1839.