“Who’s Black and Why?” Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Andrew S. Curran discuss their new book at the NYPL.
Moving Through Film, Television and History First cameras, deepfakes, Jim Hensen and live props from the Black Swan, Nightmare on Elm Street and The Exorcist.
Self-Guided Wintertime Adventures The New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx allow visitors to create their own itineraries.
A 5D Movie Theater on Wheels The mobile theater gives its participants an immersive experience with smoke, steam and fog.
Black Feminist Futures The Schomburg Center of the NYPL held its 10th Annual Black Comic Book Festival which featured a virtual discussion on Afrofuturism.
Understanding Intimate Partner Violence Family Justice Centers train workers in city agencies about issues involving abuse and violence.
New Jersey’s Costa Ricans Vote Remotely Costa Ricans cast their votes for president on February 6th in Elizabeth, NJ.
Bronx Defenders Community Policy Summit Bronx residents and local organizations joined the group to discuss community concerns.