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by Sandra Cespedes Su deseo de ayudar nació tres  meses antes de partir a los Estados Unidos en una tarde en la ciudad de Santiago, Republica Dominicana, cuando Yammel Mendoza, 22, directora, vio a un niño – la clase de niño pobre que “pide alimento y dinero para calmar el hambre y sobrevivir.” Al llegar a Nueva York en el 2008, ese simple e inocente

by Joselin Pichardo For hundreds of years it was believed that the Indigenous peoples of the Caribbean had been wiped out, that no trace of them remained anywhere. Not so. Today, Tainos walk among us and there is DNA to prove it. So why was it believed that Tainos were extinct? “They went underground to survive. They intermarried by choice or by rape

by Gustavo Orduz One of the issues driving the debate over immigration reform is whether or not immigrants should speak English as one of the many requirements they have to fulfill in order to become legal aliens. This growing controversy is dividing immigrants and communities because of the need and the obligation illegal aliens have for learning English. Policymakers, community and civic

Es hora de mostrar la diversidad y riqueza de la cultura hispana y latinoamericana, un mes para vestir coloridos trajes étnicos, ondear las banderas, marchar en desfiles, y asistir a cócteles.