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Sistas and Brothas United is a non-profit with a mission to generate and motivate young leaders in the Northwest Bronx community.

by Tanisia Morris Bronx Journal Staff Writer The smell of steamed vegetables lingers in the air as three female cooks shuffle alongside one other in the open kitchen. One is a young Vietnamese woman that appears to be in her 20s, the other an elderly Vietnamese woman who is only referred to as “mama.” The third looks totally out of place. She

You could hear it everywhere – on the radio and throughout the club circuit; the music was inescapable. If you were in or around the Bronx in the 1980s and early 1990s, and you were Latino, then there is a definite chance that freestyle music touched your life.

Picture yourself walking through a neighborhood with narrow cobblestone streets, where the houses are painted in bright colors, and the architecture takes you back to the 18th and 19th centuries.

[caption id="attachment_1243" align="alignnone" width="617"] (Trini Map)[/caption] By Earl Mcfield Bronx Journal Staff Writer When Arturo Alfonso Schomburg was growing up in his native Puerto Rico, a teacher told him that, “black people have no history, no heroes, and no great moments.” The statement made such an impact on the young boy, that he set out on a life-long    crusade to prove that his

Para Michael Reyes, usar una camiseta con la imagen del Che Guevara significaba sólo una declaración de moda más. No sabía que lo podía meter en una pelea a puñetazos. El Ché”, un argentino que luchó junto a Fidel Castro en la revolución cubana para derrocar a la dictadura de Fulgencio Batista, significa cosas muy distintas para diferentes personas.

Нью-Йорк – город контрастов. Это замечаешь сразу, как выходишь из аэропорта JFK.