Multimedia Coverage of New York City
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The Brooklyn neighborhood has buildings, billboards, and even doorways covered in street art and murals.

The exhibit features intricate swirls, flowing tubes, brilliant spheres and neon-lit glass stretching 35 feet long.

Thousands rallied in Washington D.C. for environmental causes.

Miranda Herrera has two lemurs and does her best to create their natural habitat in her small apartment.

The Bronx Museum of the Arts is the home to a collaboration of art between the borough and Havana, Cuba.

The rally’s goal was to focus on the indispensable role women play in daily life in tangible and intangible ways.

A new exhibit at Poe Park explores the city's bird life.

The exhibit incorporates sky lanterns, spirit houses and features of traditional Thai gardens.

Jewish leaders took to the streets to oppose President Trump's recent travel ban.

At the Poe Park Center children learn about minorities in the comic industry and make their own works of art.

New Yorkers of wide-ranging religious beliefs gathered in Times Square to protest Islamophobia and the recent executive order on refugees.

Scenes from D.C. January 21, 2017

People from across the U.S. packed planes, trains and buses en route to Washington D.C.

The Lehman College festival invited six choreographers to showcase their work in various dance genres: tango, Afro-Caribbean, Butoh, Irish step dancing, and salsa.

A New York Public Library exhibit shows different ways that photographs have been shot and shared with the public since 1839.

Dubbed the "Seaport of the Bronx," this small island is a seafood lover's paradise.

New Yorkers share their most immoral moments.

Many workers across the tri-state area labor for low wages and are vulnerable to mistreatment because they are undocumented.

Subway performers are as much a part of the zeitgeist of the big city as the very transit system they inhabit.

In addition to demonstrating for labor rights, organizers called for a May Day for Freddie Gray.