Multimedia Coverage of New York City
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The Site

The Bronx Journal is a publication of the Lehman College Multimedia Journalism program. It is an online-only production created in the Bronx about the Bronx. It features text, multimedia and broadcast stories from The Bronx Journal television program. Site visitors can learn about current issues affecting Bronx residents, like the abuse of the elderly or demographic shifts, they can follow local events on the site blog and they can hear a diverse points of view in the opinion pages. The Bronx Journal television producers update clips weekly, featuring local movers and shakers.  In addition to being multimedia, the site is multilingual, with stories in Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Japanese and Chinese.

The Bronx Journal TV

Bronx Journal Editor-in-Chief

Christine McKenna,,


The Bronx Journal print publication was born in 1997, when it was published monthly for the academic year in languages including Haitian Creole, Korean and Russian. In the following decade, the publication circulation increased and the format changed along with the times and the CUNY budget.

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