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What the Fiat!? J-Lo Not On the Block

Jennifer Lopez, one of the most iconic pop stars of The Bronx, recently shot a commercial for the Fiat 500 car. Known as “my world,” the commercial was meant to depict how Bronx streets made Lopez “sharper and faster,” among other things. However, it was revealed that the scenes Lopez did were shot in a set in Los Angeles. A body double drives the Fiat in The Bronx.

Bronx students had mixed reactions to the Fiat fake-out.

“She is disrespecting the people here in The Bronx for not shooting the Fiat commercial here,” said Joanna Rodriguez, 19.

“She went to high school five minutes away from me,” said Ruben Torres, 24, from Throggs Neck. “I feel disgusted. On the other hand, TV fabricates reality.”

Joshua Karpiloff, 21, agrees. “I’m sure there are doubles for every celebrity doing a commercial in high-crime areas such as Harlem or downtown Detroit.”

No sale, said Pheobe Heath, 27. “It’s sad that she’s posing like she’s still ‘Jenny from the block’ but she can’t even come to the block and do her own commercial. It’s misleading because it does look like she’s in the Bronx. I like her but there’s certain things about her that I don’t like and this is one of those things that doesn’t surprise me.”

Rather than celebrating her roots, some felt J-Lo was bashing her hometown. “Is she trying to say that the Bronx is not good enough?” asked Rebecca Thompson, 18.  “Why would you portray the Bronx in LA, when you can do the real thing in the Bronx?”

It’s not like she committed a crime, said Edwin Mendez, 24. “I’m sure if anybody was in her shoes, and they were approached with an offer to do a commercial, they’d do it too if the price was right. I think people are blowing it out of proportion.”

Get a life said other respondents.

“It’s just a car commercial,” said Daniel Davis, 27. “There are so many other things going on in the world. J.Lo’s commercial is not on my top 10 list of things to worry about. Although I do think it would’ve been pretty cool if she did shoot it here in the Bronx. ”

Reporting by Lorraine Acosta, Mesha Burns, Kinvelyn Guaba and Lennin Reyes

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