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Internships Give Students an Advantage


By Melissa Green

Bronx Journal Staff

The chances of students finding a job right out of college have increased with the surge of internship programs now being offered. Winston Mitchell, a producer for Transit Transit News Magazine, hosted a web seminar on the subject called, “Get Real for the Real World of Broadcast News.“ Mitchell informed CUNY Journalism and New Media students of internship opportunities through Transit’s broadcast program. Transit Transit News Magazines internship program gives broadcast students the opportunity to get hands on experience in their field. “Most of the programs that are on our show are produced by our interns,” said Mitchell.

The producer also stressed that Transit has several positions open for students, which start in the spring of 2012. Current available positions include news anchor for the show, production assistant and script writer. Not only was information about his broadcast program provided during the web seminar, but Mitchell also gave valuable tips on how to succeed in journalism and the entertainment business in general. “Ladies, don’t walk into an interview with a mini skirt on… once you step into the room employers are summing you up.”

He also emphasizing how important it is for students to create a portfolio of their work. Mitchell described an experience he had with an applicant who came into his office for an internship interview without a resume. “I asked her if she had a reel, and she said, ‘What’s a reel?’” The web seminar gave a clear message; internships are helping brighten student’s future endeavors to win the job search race.

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