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New Yorkers on Impeachment

Brenda Spooner, Retired/Encore Student, Democrat

How do you feel about Trump’s impeachment?

“It’s very unnerving. It is not being carried out like an actual trial. I feel very afraid because of the people Trump has influence over.”

Do you think Trump will be removed from office?

“They just need one more Republican senator to vote but it is hard to say.”

Kody Onyiuke, 28, Reporter for BronxNet, Democrat/Independent

Do you think Trump should be removed from office and what would it mean to country if he was removed?

“Yes. It would show countries and world leaders that our country really had respect behind it before Trump administration. America would get back to its original promise and state once Trump’s administration leaves.”

Do you think Trump will be removed from office?

“I really don’t know. Trump and his administration are pretty much like snakes and sneaky with the way that they maneuver. They create their own reality which is dangerous. We are hoping that the Republicans do the right thing.”

— by Kendrick Davis

Teresa Rivas, 29, Political Science

Do you think Trump getting impeached is a good idea even if that means Vice President Pence could become president?

“Yes, because unlike Trump, Pence can be very diplomatic and he talks less than Trump.”

Do you think Trump getting impeached is a good idea even if that means Vice President Pence could become president?

“I believe so because he looking over his information and his families information as well”

Cailin Chan, 21, Sociology

Do you think Trump getting impeached is a good idea despite Pence potentially becoming president?

“Maybe because he should reflect on what he did”

Do you think Trump pressuring to dig up damaging information on his Democratic challenger Joe Biden means he should be thrown out of the office?

“I think so because digging into people’s information is wrong.”

— by Fernando Murcia

Ricky Collado, Film & Television Studies, Democrat

“I believe that Trump should be removed from the office. He has admitted on national television to seeking information from Russia and said that there is nothing wrong with listening to them if they had something against Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. Also there are credible sources that say they have information that Trump was withholding funds from Ukraine in exchange for them providing damaging information for his rivals. Trump has also shown complete disregard of the Senate and House of Representatives as a whole.”

Erica Bravo, Nursing, Democrat

“I believe that the impeachment of Trump is a waste of time. This should have occurred sooner. At this point is seems pointless. His term is coming to an end. Also the process of impeachment is very expensive. Money that could have been used for other resources. To my awareness I believe Trump has NOT broken any laws or made unconstitutional moves. However I do believe he has bad intentions and is not a good president.”

– by Ashley Negron

Noelle Cortes, 18, student, will vote “for anyone but Trump”

“I support the impeachment and (Trump’s) removal from office. What he did is a big no-no, it’s basically federal blackmail. I can’t ever support him because he’s just a bad person.”

— by Michael Forte

President Trump tried to pressure Ukraine to dig up dirt on his political rivals by halting aid. Do you think that this is a good reason for his removal from office?

Natacha Montanez, 39, Student, Nursing Major and Psychology Minor

“That’s all? Well I think that his arrogance is going to be his downfall. They say that the thing that brings you up will eventually bring you down.”

Minerva Garcia, 28, Sociology Major and Psychology Minor

“I think that it’s a good thing that we caught him doing that and it’s a good thing that we even started the impeachment for him because it just shows that he might not have won the first election fairly.”

Lisa Giraldo, 21, Anthropology Major

“Yes I think that it is a good reason because it shows that he does not follow the political process.”

— by Nicollette Samuels

President Trump tried to pressure Ukraine to dig up dirt on his political rivals by halting aid. Do you think that this is a good reason for his removal from office?

Amari Alaskry, Psychology, 52

“No. I don’t think he should be removed. It would have consequences to the economy, government and nation. He did good things: fought against terrorism, ordered the killing of the ISIS leaders, helped bring stability to the Middle-East. He did good things and did not send the country to war. More countries respect the US more. Very recently he released the Middle-East ‘Peace Plan’ which is supposed to stabilize the Arab world.”

— by Luis Fonseca

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