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Ferry Point: The Forgotten Park

Situated on the east coast of the Bronx, Ferry Point Park is a hidden gem. Under the shadow of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge, the park offers great views, areas for sports and well-kept picnic areas. Yet, on most days, you would be hard pressed to find more than a handful of people utilizing this great space. (Story & photos by Sean Engledrum)


Ferry Point Park was created when the peninsula was acquired for construction of the Whitestone Bridge in 1937. One half of the site became a popular spot for church and school outings, along with visitors from various Bronx neighborhoods. The other area, which is now being transformed into a golf course, was used as a municipal garbage dump until the 1970s.


From the 1980s to ’90s, the park was not well maintained. Many residents used the site to abandon cars and other waste, and the paths and facilities deteriorated as the city’s budget was cut. Justin Lebowitz, a 25-year-old resident of Throggs Neck, remembers the park in the ’90s. “It was shitty. There were bums and garbage everywhere. There were barely paths, and everything was overgrown.”


Mr. Lebowitz still visits the park, and notes how much it has changed in the last 10 years, as the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation has invested millions into refurbishing the site. “It’s pretty well kept now. You’ll still find garbage on the beach, or little areas where people were doing Santeria stuff in the woods, but this is the Bronx. What do you expect?” he said. “Every now and then I will see a big group playing soccer or something, but the park is still pretty empty of people. Gives you room to be free. It’s just better kept now. I like fishing and hanging out there.”


Though the park is one of the biggest in the Bronx, measuring in at 413.8 acres, many residents don’t even know it exists due to its location on the edge of the borough. Denise Ramirez, a resident of Co-op City, had never heard of the park until this past fall. “I didn’t know about it. I grew up going to Pelham Bay Park. I can’t believe it though. It’s not a small park. When I first saw it I thought it was pretty cool. All the trees and the view of Manhattan was great. And there is barely anyone here, unlike Pelham which is crowded.”


The park’s new golf course, developed by the Trump Organization, is set to open in mid-2014, and will likely boost visitation to the site. Until then, Ferry Point Park is one of the great places to escape the urban sprawl and be alone for a while.


The picnic areas come with great views and little competition for space.


There are many sports facilities, but they go unused most days.


An early fall soccer game was a rare busy day. Most of the players were from other states.


Many different birds live in the area.


Most of the coast is left to nature.


There is often random fruit on the beach. No one knew why.


LaGuardia Airport is in view. Planes often pass the park on takeoff and landing. An unknown sunken ship sits in the foreground.


Evidence of a more affluent time and better upkeep can be found throughout the park.


The only regular visitors are people who fish under the Whitestone Bridge in their leisure time.


Various marine craft navigate the waters, following the East River toward Manhattan.


The park is a major destination for geese.


Many people have used secluded areas to leave their mark.

Latest comments
  • Great photos…nice to see someone publicizing this wonderful place…learn more on our website or facebook page ferry point park…

  • Website for Friends of Ferry Point Park… contact Dorothy Poggi Pres. 917-741-2768

  • 5000 to 8000 soccer and cricket enthusiasts use the park each weekend…hundreds of volunteers have planted trees, flowers, bushes, and picked up garbage for years now….