Multimedia Coverage of New York City

African American Day Parade

A powerful moment when officials hold up a New York State flag, an African nation flag and the American flag.

By Ishaw Thorpe

These parade participants are fired up.

Protestors for the freedom of political prisoners.

The Black Panther Party makes its way down Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard. When asked what the parade meant to her, Danielle Litz, 34, replied, “Really it’s unity, cultural unity and pride.”

Wow! Who knew the New York Police Department had so many talented musicians?

The royal couple of the Eureka Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star, a religious fraternity, greets parade attendees.

African American officers, paramedics, EMTs and the VULCAN fraternity march. When asked what she thought the mission of the parade was, Patricia Wade, 54, said, “To keep our spirit and history alive.” She also said she thought that black people are losing force with each other.

The New York City Police Department Guardians Association with members from all ranks, from lieutenants to rookies.

Rapper Biz Markie on the 1s and 2s, getting the crowd jumping!

Several marching bands from Baltimore, Maryland attended the parade and showed NYC the true meaning of a drum line. Wade commented that using drums to communicate has been apart of African culture for many centuries.

What’s a marching band without dancers?

That is, dancers of ALL ages!

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