Multimedia Coverage of New York City

NYC COVID-19 Case Rate Slows

By Christine McKenna

 New York City

Cases: 191,073 |  Hospitalizations: 50,217  |
Deaths Confirmed: 15,983, Deaths Probable: 4,823

The New York City Health Department is issuing updates daily on the coronavirus spread and impact on New Yorkers. It notes that the data reflects those with severe illness because those with mild to moderate symptoms are being asked not to get tested at this time.

Here is the data as of May 16, 2020.



– Overall, the new number of deaths is trending down.  4/30: 200, 5/1: 194, 5/2: 179, 5/3: 161, 5/4: 140, 5/13: 54, 5/14: 38, 5/15: 29, 5/16: 19

– Brooklyn has the highest number of deaths, 4,847. However, the Bronx has a higher rate of death per 100,000: 236 vs 210 in Queens.

– More men have died than women, 9,634 vs 6,223. The rate of death per 100,000 for men is 241, for women it is 142.

– Underlying illness is a key indicator of deaths.

– New Yorkers age 75 and older are more likely to die if infected.

– Latinos and African Americans are dying at a higher rate, 213 and 205 per 100,000 compared to Whites 103 and Asian Americans 95.


– Overall, the number of new cases is trending down. 4/30: 2,003, 5/1: 1618, 5/2: 1,865, 5/3: 777, 5/4: 1,544, 5/13: 1,304, 5/14: 934, 5/15: 638, 5/16: 283.

– The highest number of cases are in Queens, 58,574, followed by Brooklyn, 51,931. However, the Bronx and Staten Island have a higher rate of cases per 100,000 people than Queens: 2,941 and 2,572 vs 2,346 in Queens.

– The highest number of those infected are between ages 18-44, second highest 45-64. However, the rate of infection for those over 75 is higher.

– African Americans and Latinos have a higher infection rate, 1,458 and 1,289 per 100,000 compared to Whites 925 and Asian Americans 553.


– Overall numbers of new hospitalizations also seem to be trending down. 4/30: 329, 5/1: 357, 5/2: 258 5/3: 243, 5/4: 281, 5/13: 101, 5/14: 83, 5/15: 39, 5/16: 2.

– In absolute numbers, more people 45 to 64 have been hospitalized, 17,027. However, the rate for those over 75 that have been been hospitalized is higher, 2,549 out of 100,000 compared to 829 per 100,000 for those 45 to 64.

– African Americans and Latinos have a higher hospitalization rate, 632 and 570 per 100,000 compared to Whites 284 and Asian Americans 240.

Map data as of May 16.

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