Multimedia Coverage of New York City

COVID-19 Strains NYC Hospitals

By Anthony Cruz

The concierge at St. Barnabas Hospital, who previously dressed in normal attire, must wear PPE (personal protective equipment) as a result of COVID-19.

Tents used for testing potential COVID-19 victims are located outside of St. Barnabas. They are only testing patients who have symptoms which can be unnerving for those being tested and their loved ones as well as those who are administering the tests.

Mechanics build mobile morgues for COVID-19 victims.

Workers carrying patient beds. Due to the effects of COVID-19, especially in the Bronx, there has been the need for more patient beds than normal.

My father at work with his mask and protective goggles on. He was able to snap this picture with the little time that he has. His job is often busy but COVID-19 has made his duties at work tougher.

My father drills beds in the mobile morgue.

My father tells me this is a quite difficult task and causes him to work long hours. He also says it is depressing especially knowing the reason that the morgue is being built.

One of my father’s coworkers named Gary in full protective gear. This is what is worn by members of the maintenance and carpentry department when working around the hospital due to current circumstances.

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