By Kayla Beltran

Youths from the Butler Community Center held up illuminated signs protesting Bronx drug abuse and violence at an October event hosted by the Bronx Documentary Center (BDC).

The march began at 6:30 on Webster Ave in the Claremont community of the Bronx. BDC members and volunteers marched alongside the kids, carrying projectors and white screens that illuminated images from the Bronx Photo Leagues Claremont Project.

Signs were illuminated with lights so they could be seen during the night parade.

Behind the Butler Community Center, the Bronx Documentary Center’s Michael Kamber tested the projections for the nights march.

The march came to an end when everyone entered the indoor basketball court at the Claremont Neighborhood Centers, Inc.

People who attended the march got a bite to eat and were served by Bronx Documentary Center Volunteers.

A DJ played music on top of a stage inside the indoor basketball court.

Marchers put the signs they made to rest.

“Building the Bridge: Community Gathering & March through Claremont,” was the fourth of the BDC’s illuminated series.

BDC volunteers held white sheets where photos were being projected.

BDC workers pushed a cart with a projector on it through the streets of the Claremont community.

Police officers accompanied the march to protect those who participated in it.
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