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On the Campaign Trail: Jeff Klein

By Rayna Tamko

New York State Senator Jeff Klein’s Williamsbridge Road campaign headquarters were nearly empty on Tuesday morning – just two days before the primary election. Klein and his supporters paused all campaigning in remembrance of 9/11. “From 12 am Tues. to 12 am Wed my campaign will cease all campaign media, visibility events, and activities to pay tribute to 9/11 victims. Good Night and May God Bless,” Klein tweeted Monday night.

As the incumbent serving as the New York State Senator for District 34 since 2004, Klein is already well known in the district. He has run a very different campaign than his opponent Alessandra Biaggi. While Biaggi used her social media to broadcast events, Klein’s upcoming events page on Facebook is empty. He usually posts about events after they’ve happened.

Most of Klein’s campaigning has been done through mailed flyers and television ads.

“We do get a lot of mail from Klein in particular, almost too much,” said Anaflora Clarke, a student at Hunter College and a Morris Park resident. Signs featuring a photo of Klein and the date of the primary can be seen in store windows and front lawns throughout the district.

Klein has significant support with the older population of his district which explains his campaigning methods and visits to nursing homes. As a newcomer, Biaggi’s campaign focuses more on social media, canvassing and visibility. With the primary rapidly approaching Biaggi and her supporters ran several get out the vote, canvassing and phone banking events while it Team Klein is taking a more measured approach before election day.



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