Multimedia Coverage of New York City

Street Art in Williamsburg

Williamsburg is a neighborhood that is known for its free spirited atmosphere. It has several buildings, billboards, and even doorways covered in street art and murals, or what some may call “graffiti.” (Maria Vouniseas)


The work ranges from quotes to portraits of the deceased rap star Christopher Wallace, known as Biggie Smalls. Biggie grew up in Brooklyn and is ranked among the 10 best rappers of all time. There are several portraits of him painted on buildings throughout the community.


A particular quote that stood out when walking alongside the curb was “Fear will not silence us.” The quote was painted on the pavement, and could easily offer a sense of light and hope to those who have lost theirs. Another quote spraypainted on a wall read “Everything is not ok.”


In another, Marge from The Simpsons is bent over with her undergarments showing.


Another comedic mural was that of a woman with pigtail braids picking her nose. “I walk by this graffiti almost every day to get to work and I swear there’s always at least one or two people taking pictures of them,” said Williamsburg resident Olivia Marnstein, 35. “They probably upload the photo on their social media accounts, and to be honest, they’re pretty damn funny.”


Lastly, another artist wrote “power of faith” next to a tiger.

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