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Bronxites on POTUS 45

TBJ asks “Who do you think will be the next president and why?”


Isaiah NievesIsaiah Nieves 18, Bronx

“Bernie Sanders because he has succeeded in raising his own campaign and engaging in politics that focuses on the common man. He is also uninfluenced by corporations.”


Jose Estevens 19, Bronx
“Bernie Sanders because Sanders has been a supporter of minorities ever since he was young. He will do anything within his power to make us live in a better society with better technology and infrastructure. His goal is to try to build a more utopian community within the world.”


Ana Butler, 20, Manhattan
“Trump looks like he’s going to win the election. He has majority of ignorant people backing him. Yes, he speaks his mind without a sensor, which is what people find appealing but there’s nonsense spewing from his mouth. He doesn’t understand the common man and is there for the RICH 1 percent not the 99 percent. Has anyone thought to analyze the rambling coming from his mouth?”


Yamile Amarante, 18, Bronx

“I believe Hillary is the most adequate choice for president. Bill Clinton is her husband so she has the right guidance and a good head on her shoulders. It should be interesting to see what she would do for women and how people will react to her, since she will be the first female president.”


Tarik McDermott, 27, Harlem


“Bernie Sanders. He’s the only candidate that’s truly for the people. He isn’t perfect, but he can take the ‘business’ out of politics, and make decisions on what’s best for the people.”



Brahelika Gadtaula, 23, Queens

Brahelika Gadtaula“I think Hillary Clinton will be the next president because even if Trump is leading in the Republican polls Hillary is doing better in comparison to Trump. Right now she is taking some swing states. The primaries are showing that Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are neck and neck and I don’t think that the Democrats in general will want Bernie Sanders to be the nominee.”


Erisnor Fabino, 21, Bronx


“I think Hillary Clinton will be the next president. I see a lot of people rooting for her and they say that she’s better than Trump and Ted. I like everything about her too. The way she talks, the things that she says, and the things that she has done shows that she has the ability to be a president. She’s going to be great!”


Raymond Walker, 22, Bronx


“Bernie Sanders, because even if Trump wins the Republican nomination, he still has to the face the Democratic Party which is difficult to defeat in this day and age.”


Juan Antonio Vasquez Jr., 20, Bronx


“Hillary Clinton because Hillary is pro-establishment, Bernie is anti-establishment, which is bad for business. Therefore, they will make sure he does not win.”


Angie Galan, 22, Bronx


“I think Hillary Clinton is going to be president, just because of the popular votes, she has an upper hand. I wish (Bernie) Sanders would win but it seems she’s the one that’s going to win. I hope it’s her and not Trump.”



Nolvin Brito, 15, University Heights


“In the real world the good guy never wins. I want everyone to feel the ‘BERN’ and vote for Bernie Sanders for presidency. He’s a good guy. My heart is with Sanders but I think Donald Trump might become president because of all the attention the media is giving him. In interviews reporters always ask other candidates what they feel about Trump more than what they could do for the country.”


Valentina Cruz, 43, Bronx


“I think the next president will be Donald Trump, and do not take me wrong by thinking I like him, it is just that people talk about him all the time, he is so popular now that I think people are going to vote for him because of his popularity.”



Lisbeth Reyes, 22, Bronx


“The next president will be Hillary Clinton. Her husband was president, so she has a lot of experience in politics and government. She was secretary of state, so she can apply all that knowledge to the presidency.”


Aneudis Nunez, 19, Manhattan


“In all honesty, I don’t really care who’s the next president of the United States, as long as it isn’t Donald Trump. With that being said, Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States. She’s the only female candidate, who along with Bill Clinton, have reached out to the African-American community for decades and for that reason alone, a lot of minorities will rally behind her.”


Darline Vargas, 24, Bronx


“Well, that’s a hard prediction to make, but a lot of people are saying vote for Sanders. In my opinion, come November 2016, Hillary Clinton will be calling the White House her home for the next four years. Clinton, unlike Donald Trump, has the best interest in helping the people. Trump is a racist and often discriminates against minorities, especially Hispanics and Muslims.”


Antasha Brown, 27, Bronx


“Hillary Clinton, will win the election because I believe that she can actually do what she claims. Perfect example Bernie says he is going to make college free but I do not believe that is possible because Obama would have done it. Versus Hillary, I believe she knows more about presidency because she was married to our former president.”


Gina Nunez, 29, Bronx

Gina Nunez

“Trump, will win because I believe he has a lot of power and he will buy out the votes. He is getting more and more people to the point that he has the power to win. He is what republicans want as a president. He is racist; he is a multimillionaire and self-centered. He wants the poor people to remain poor and the richer, richer.”


Brittney Henry, 21, Brooklyn


“I’m very worried about the amount of racists surfacing and the eager manner in which they are gathering around Trump. At first, I thought, ‘Oh this is definitely a joke, like ain’t no way people will vote for him.’ So (now) I’m worried for the general election because if the Democratic Party doesn’t have a solid runner, he could possible win.”


Diamond Woodham, 21, Brooklyn


“Although I would love for Bernie to be president, I have to be realistic. I honestly think Donald Trump will be our next president. That really hurts to say because he is a racist bigot and it’s disgusting. America’s head isn’t on straight clearly and I feel like the country is going into turmoil the closer we get to the actual election.”


Jessica Toruno, 19, Dyckman


“I believe our next president is going to be Donald Trump, people might actually vote for his stupidity. I can’t even believe he’s a candidate for presidency of the United States. The way he acts and the way he behaves himself is a complete joke. If he really does become president, I’m moving to Canada!”


Brenda Rivera, 19, Dyckman


“I think the next president is going to be Hillary Clinton, and not because of what she speaks of in her debates or what she promotes. Just for the simple fact that people are going to be biased towards her because she’s a woman. People want to make history like they did with Barack Obama.”


Kylie Madden, 18, Bronx


“As much as I would love Bernie to win, I think Hillary is going to win. I don’t really want her to win, I’d rather Bernie but I don’t think he’s going to get enough votes in the primaries, and honestly I don’t think anyone is stupid enough to vote for Trump over her. So yeah, Hillary it is.”


Marc Valentin, 18, Bronx

Marc Valentin

“I think Trump is going to win because he knows how to appeal to a large majority of voters. He’s widely popular in our culture because of his financial success and everyone will vote for him in the hope of a better economy. I think his status in popular culture contributes to his political success. Other than those things, I don’t have anything else to say about Trump. I hate that guy.”


Christopher Diaz, 22, Bronx


“I believe Hillary Clinton is going to be the next president of the United States. She has shown good results in the debates and she had been the first lady before so she has experience and knowledge of the position. Since Bill Clinton is her husband, he will help her with the knowledge he gained as a president.”


David Ros, 27, Bronx


“I honestly think it’s going to be between Trump and Clinton. But Hillary will win in the end. Trump is too rude, vulgar and racist, he isn’t president material.”



Lisbett Rodriguez, 18, Washington Heights


“I think either Bernie or Hillary will win because there are more young people voting than during the last election and a majority of the new generation of voters is democratic.



Pamela Ynoa, 19, Washington Heights


“I think Bernie Sanders will be the next president. He shows compassion and intelligence with movements like Black Lives Matter, Immigration, College Education, and many more issues that Hillary Clinton seems to support, but (shows no) … compassion for. Let’s face it, Trump and Cruz are insane and no one, except racists, will be safe if one of the two wins the election. Bernie Sanders’ promises make me feel safe and have hope for the future of this country.”


John Guilford, 31, Harlem


“There is no other qualifying candidate competing against Hillary. Donald Trump is here for entertainment. Sanders isn’t going to get enough votes in the House to make any changes. There has to be an extreme urgency to gain a female presidency. Yes, this is a case of urgency. The candidates that are competing are not qualified to run for president except for Hillary.”


Joaquin Valdez, 65, Lindon, NJ


“Hillary Clinton. She has more personality and more experience. First female president. Trump is getting votes because he’s more of a businessman, and not politics.”



Veronica Abreu, 52, Westchester County, University Heights


“This is not the first time that Hillary Clinton has had an interest in becoming president. For years she has been serving our country and making it a better place. As a Hispanic woman she inspires me so much. I see how much Clinton has persevered during her career and how hard she has been fighting for everyone- including immigrants. That is inspiring. The country will be in better shape with her as our president than any other candidate.”


Louis Carrasco, 28, Bronx


“I would like it to be Bernie Sanders, but I think Hillary Clinton will be the president.”

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