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Bronxites Cast Midterm Votes


Republican swept to victory in the 2014 midterm elections, taking firm control of the U.S. Senate.

New York Democrats were some of the few Democratic coalitions in the country that had any reason to be pleased. Governor Andrew Cuomo won re-election and a second term comfortably over Republican challenger Rob Astorino. Democrats still hold the majority in the State Assembly and gained seven additional seats for a total of 106 seats.

For consolation, New York Republicans can look to the fact that they claimed a one-seat majority in the State Senate over a Democratic Party that had held a three-seat majority before the midterms.

Voter turnout for the midterms was at its lowest since World War II. On the day of the elections, Bronx Journal reporters took to the streets to find out if residents had voted, what issues inspired their votes and how much impact, if any, President Obama’s six-year term had on their voting choices.


Ariana Duell

Ariana Duell, 30, Special Education Teacher

“Yes, I did vote! Well, no, but I’m actually on my way right now. I’m happy with Obama’s performance and I believe in the Democratic Party. In the Bronx, I really want to see better roads. They are so many potholes and poorly paved roads.”

Eleanor White, 46, Teacher’s Aid/Retail Worker

“Yes I voted. I’ve lived in this country 23 years and I want what’s best for my children and their future and I want someone that will not only help schools and education, but someone who is really running for the good of the people.”

Janay Colton, 22, Student

“Honestly, I haven’t been following any of the candidates, so I didn’t vote for just anyone. If I’d be concerned with one thing, though, it would be education reform in our borough. Every other day, I’m reading about another failing school. I just want to know what the plans are to fix this, and how are we going to come out of this?”

Sofia B., 25, Account Manager

“I’ll be voting after work, actually. Current issues that concern me are same-sex marriage, gun control laws, immigration and the legalization of marijuana. I’m pro-same-sex marriage. I’m pro-immigration – I think children of immigrants should be given citizenship. I’m not for gun control laws, though. I believe U.S. citizens should have the right to bear arms.”


Marbeline Garcia

Marbeline Garcia, 34, Retail Worker

“No, I didn’t vote today. In this country, understanding and supporting politics is very hard. People run for fame, while trying to win over society with their charm. With all the issues in our society like poverty, budget cuts for schools and unemployment, we should all agree on bettering society. Why should we be divided into two groups?”

Alison P., 53, Attorney

“Yes, I voted today. The job market, the economy and taxes are my major concerns. Really, Obama’s performance did not influence my vote because I’ve always had conservative views. If anything, his performance has strengthened my conservative views.”

Sam Foster, 35, Accountant

“I didn’t vote. I’m a Democrat and I figured Democrats would win, so I didn’t feel I needed to vote. I am concerned about unemployment for minorities, as well as immigration. I don’t think Obama has done enough for minorities in regards to the economy and immigration.

Elizabeth B., 59, Attorney

“I voted this morning. I think the government needs to raise the minimum wage and support funding for infrastructure to bring jobs to New York. I’d like to see campaign finance reform – take money out of politics with publically financed elections. End charter schools, increase financial aid for college and go back to low interest student loans. Oh, and ban fracking forever!”

Joshua Dimundo

Joshua Dimundo

Joshua Dimundo, 20, Student

“I’ve actually been voting since I’ve turned 18. I started because I’m part of the society and every voice and opinion counts. If we want the best for ourselves, then we must all take out time to vote. The way I see it, the people who do not vote are always the ones complaining that the government does nothing for them. I am currently concerned about school, as a young individual. Attending college is very expensive and having politicians fund scholarships for students like me is pretty amazing.”

Cassi Park, 20, Student

“Well I don’t know who is running. I don’t know anything about the governmental system. I don’t know where people go to vote, so I have to find all about it by myself. I never voted, because I just recently became a citizen. I’m not that into politics.”

Aaron Walters, 35, Area Manager

“I didn’t vote today because I’m not registered to vote in New York – I’m Hawaiian. Honestly, I didn’t vote for Obama in the first place, but that doesn’t mean his performance would directly impact my vote. I think it’s insignificant – his performance does not necessarily mean his party wins everything.”

Cyrille Njikeng, 39, Lehman Student Government President

“I didn’t vote today, not because I’m not into politics, but because the governmental system is so corrupted. I don’t think voting is necessary because Democrats and Republicans are just the same people to me. Honestly, Obama was a sensation to Americans, but that’s it. I still see people struggling and the country in debt. Obama just defends the interest of the rich.”

Noel Sierra

Noel Sierra

Colin Wagans, 32, College Administration

“I did vote today. The midterm elections are important, especially in New York State – just as important as the general election. Obama’s performance did not really impact my vote. What impacted my vote is more of local New York City and New York State politics.”

Noel Sierra, 27, Retail Worker

“No, I didn’t vote and I don’t plan on voting either. I don’t believe anything will change. I feel like the government has forgotten about the Bronx – even Brooklyn has those Citi Bikes! It’s crazy! We need better schools, better neighborhoods, less violence. Voting doesn’t change the actual problems that concern us here in the Bronx.”

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