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Holiday Train Show’s 22nd Year

By Autumn Vasquez

Folks young and old from far and wide make the journey each winter to see the annual Holiday Train Show. The Bronx’s New York Botanical Gardens is home to this spectacular event which is currently in its 22nd year.

“This has become a real holiday tradition for New York City and the state,” said Jeffery More, who has been a volunteer at the Holiday Train exhibit for years.

“The show features trains, of course, which kids of all ages enjoy, but it also features the historical buildings of New York City and the areas around NYC, the Hudson Valley included,” he said.

A man named Paul Busse is responsible for creating the first displays for this spectacular event. He and his team from Applied Imaginations are the architects behind these intricate building designs.

“His company has been setting up the train show here at the Garden each year since then,” said More. “His company built all the buildings that you see here.”

The show began with only 15 structures and this year more than 140 buildings are on display, all of the which are made from various plant materials.

“Sticks, various kinds of trees, different kinds of pine cones, pine scales and the bark of various trees,” said More. “The roofs of some of these are made out of eucalyptus leaves. The list of plant materials that go into making each one of these buildings is huge.”

Some of the famous sights you can be sure to recognize include the Empire State Building, the Radio City Music Hall, Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, and the New York Public Library. It even displays the Enid A. Conservatory, which is the very greenhouse that where the show appears.

Steven Holguin came from Astoria, Queens to visit the exhibit this year. “It was very nice looking at all the landmarks around New York and how it was made,” said Holguin. “When I was growing up I always wanted a train, so it was a very good experience to see that. My favorite building that I saw was Yankee Stadium. I am a big Yankee fan!”

Nearly two dozen trains can be seen chugging along the nearly quarter mile of tracks. They zip past the historical landmarks, through tunnels, and over bridges. Altagracia Ramos, who has been working at the exhibit for a few weeks, already knows exactly which are the children’s favorites.

“Thomas, Annie and Clarabell,” she said. “They enjoy the bridges. George Washington Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge. We have the Manhattan Bridge, and the Hell’s Gate Bridge.”

The holiday train show is on display now until January 12th. So if you are looking for an exciting and interesting event that the whole family will enjoy, come and check out the Holiday Train Exhibit at the New York Botanical Gardens!

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