Multimedia Coverage of New York City

New Immigrant Community Empowerment

The exploitation of immigrants is nothing new. Too often day laborers get picked up for work, spend all day working hard, only to get told they’ll get paid at the end of the week, or just some other day that never actually comes. Scams like this just scratch the tip of the injustices done to new immigrants in our communities and all over the U.S.

In our first bilingual edition of the Bronx Journal, Miguel Perez talks about the “New Immigrant Community Empowerment”, an organization dedicated to preventing the exploitation of Day Laborers and Domestic workers, by educating them. Through ESL classes, financial literary courses, and their own tax clinic, Valeria Treves, the Executive Director of this organization, explains how she tries to take the necessary steps to put an end to immigrant mistreatment. Also with a first hand account of what it’s like to be constantly on watch for the fraud of contractors, Jesus Bueno joins the interview to share his experiences as a day laborer.

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