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Lehman Students: Obama Wins #2

Lehman College students and staff who watched Tuesday’s night presidential debate went along with the national consensus: President Obama was the winner.

Several Lehmanites and their friends said they were relieved to see an assertive President Obama after his anemic performance during the first debate two weeks ago.

“Obama was a lot livelier than the last one,” said Jason Olensky who was waiting for his girlfriend who attends Lehman. “Obama came out on top and delivered. He was less sedate than the last time.”

Richard Ploetz, a mathematics teacher in the GED Department, compared it to a boxing match.

“Obama had Romney on the ropes,” he said.

Art Major Maria de Los Santos put it more bluntly: “Obama KILLED IT!,” she said. “He was aggressive and put Romney in his place.”

However, Obama did not get all kudos.

Lehman student Gloria Rodriguez said Romney and Obama appeared evasive.

“Both candidates came out aggressive with their positions,” Rodriguez said. “However, a lot of the questions were avoided, in terms of really being specific. So me being an undecided voter, it didn’t necessarily sway me in either direction.”

And one Lehman staffer took sides with Romney regarding one issue.

“I agree with Romney that the president’s budget deficit plan has not worked in the last four years,” said Laura McKay, who works in Human Resources.

Even moderator Candy Crowley entered into the debate after she politely corrected Romney after he erroneously said that Obama did not use the word act of terror the day after the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi was attacked killing four Americans, including the ambassador.

Said Olensky: “The moderator was good this time. She wouldn’t let Romney go too far into his rhetoric without shutting him down.”

However, Lehman freshman Tiffany Albertio was not impressed. “The moderator did not have full control so I would get lost at times with the questions,” she said.

Christian Campana remained unimpressed with both men. “None of them deserve my vote,” he said. “But after they discussed immigration, now I know who I will vote for.” He did not say who that would be.


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