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Summer’s Last Hurrah in the Bronx

Bronxites on Orchard Beach

By Lennin Reyes

Bronxites weren’t quite ready to say goodbye to summer this Labor Day, with many turning up the heat on the grill or dipping in a pool or beach. One local favorite, of course, was Orchard Beach, otherwise known as the Bronx Riviera.

“The beach relieves the beast in me,” a man who wanted to be known as “Dragon” said. “When I hear music, it soothes the savage beast.”

Worries Remain on Oakland Place

As the sounds of salsa came from many stereos at Orchard, beachgoers also described it as a place of solace at a time where crime has risen. “Other than two accidents here, we don’t have that problem here,” Angela Marra, 55, said. Lorraine Sanchez, 50, agreed. “You just have to cross your fingers, say your prayers to the man upstairs, and keep it moving,” she said.

Oakland Place, scene of recent shooting

Oakland Place, scene of recent shooting

While those at Orchard Beach were relieving themselves of stress, those who live near the site of a recent shooting on Oakland Place were concerned and debating where the blame lay. “We have to get these young kids of the streets,” Micheal Jones, 44, said. “Parents are not really involved with kids as opposed to my day.”

Castle Hill resident Mary Aponte, 39, disagreed with Jones. “You can’t always blame the parents, they often work long shifts,” she said.

A Weekend with a Political Twist

This Labor Day weekend also coincided with the final drive before the upcoming September 13 primary. One aspiring candidate took full advantage of the summer weather by flipping burgers and hot dogs for the community.

Residents line up for barbecue

Residents line up for barbecue

Mark Gjonaj, one of three challengers facing Naomi Rivera in the 80th Assembly District, has hosted free barbecues each Sunday since Memorial Day. “People struggle to put food on the table,” campaign manager Emmett Hare said. “Plus, neighbors — who often meet for the first time — talk about the issues for the district and what could be done.”

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