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Fresh Farm Produce in the Bronx


By Fatima Sesay

The Bronx Journal Staff Writer

Lehman College is partnering with Corbin Hill Farm to supply healthy fruits and vegetables to residents.

Corbin Hill Farm is a network of rural farms and urban communities in New York. The Farm Share, open to everyone, is designed to meet the needs of low-income communities. Working out of its Harlem office, the group produces fruits and vegetables.

“Fresh food is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle,” says Tusha Yakovleva, 25, the outreach and marketing coordinator, who has been with Corbin Hill Farm for over a year. “Fresh food has to be available across the board, not just to privileged.”

Dennis Derryck, the founder and president of Corbin Hill Farm, gathered a team of investors to purchase a 95-acre farm in Schoharie County after learning about the severity of the problems caused by the lack of fresh produce. He says his goal is to grow enough produce to feed the South Bronx.

Many supermarkets overcharge for produce and many residents aren’t able to afford it, says Stephanie Windorff, 21, a Lehman psychology student. “It’s unfortunate that simply because low-income families cannot afford fresh produce, they aren’t getting the nutrition they need and deserve.”

To receive a variety of freshly harvested produce, shareholders (members) only need pay $15 for a medium, or $25 for a large share, one week in advance.

Produce is harvested the day before sale, and items include apples, beets, onions, collard greens, cucumbers and summer squash. Weekly offerings depend on which fruits or vegetables are available at that point in season. For example, on its first delivery to Lehman on June 12, Corbin Hill distributed apples, potatoes, spring garlic, and beets.

“Students are known for being, well empty-handed,” says Windorff. “So the fact that I, myself, can go and buy something fresh on my own campus makes me happy.”

Corbin Hill Farm partners with community organizations in office buildings, church basements, living rooms, schools, hospitals, sidewalks, and anywhere else the share can be accessed by community residents. The shares are allocated either once a week, or once a month in winter. They plan to go to the Lehman campus every Tuesday.

The organization would also like to partner with social work and outreach departments.

For more information, please call (718) 578-3610 or go to

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