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The Small Things You Learn to Appreciate (Part 1)

by Ashley

“Radiation Meal to Go Please!”

One good thing and probably the only good thing about living in a shelter is that I’ve learned to appreciate the smallest things that we all take for granted everyday.

For instance, due to the fact that my parents and I don’t live in one of the “cooking facilities,” all that our “pantry” consists of is a wooden table and a microwave that breaks down almost every other day. Now, I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m pretty sure that falls very short of an actual “pantry” and maybe it should just be called the “microwave (sometimes) room.”

Believe it or not, however, and this might sound crazy (but believe me it’s not) people cook full course meals in that microwave. In fact, I’ve encountered someone making rice, another person making live crab and even a woman making pernil. Now I know I’m not a doctor or anything, but eating full course meals made in a microwave on a daily basis cannot be healthy and I’m pretty sure that these (let’s call them radiation meals) lack a lot of taste as well.

My parents and I have not tried the radiation meal craze within the shelters, but sometimes to eat we do have to resort to TV dinners and Chef Boyardee. Other times, we don’t eat hot meals — we order out or every now and then my aunt brings us some food.

So what I have learned to appreciate? For starters, having my own kitchen, making my own tasteful meals and knowing I have more options. But what do I miss most that I took for granted before? Well, my mom is going to love this: I miss her cooking! One of her meals I miss the most is her chicken burritos. She hooks them up with everything from cheddar cheese to cooked onions and sour cream, mmmm! I can almost taste it but almost isn’t enough.

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