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BronxTalk: Reactions to Egypt’s Revolution

Bronx Journal staff hit the streets to get local reactions on the Egyptian revolution. Samad from Bangladesh had this to say.

Bilal Abdul-Nabi, 20

Iranian-American student, Manhattan College

Q: Do you support the uprising in Egypt?

A: The people deserve freedom and democracy; I support them. I support the anti-government protesters. Mubarak was in power for 30 years; he is an unfair leader. Mubarak wasn’t chosen by the people.

They want a secular and fair government that protects the people just like how the United States has Republicans and Democrats with different views, but they work to build a government to protect the people. The Muslim Ummah always awakens every 100 or so years. A single body, when a part is feeling ill, we heed the call and support them.

Carol Saunders, 44

Parkchester, The Bronx

Q: What are your thoughts on the revolution in Egypt?

A: I think it’s good to see the people fight for their rights as humans. In a way, it is sad to see that in 2011, you have your rights violated and you have to fight for them to be respected by the government.

Q: How does this affect America’s image in the Middle East?

A: Well, it hurts America’s image in my opinion because that region doesn’t like America all that much.

Q: What do you think about how the American government has handled this situation?

A: The American government has handled the situation very well and responsibly by not forcing themselves in this revolution.

Joann Ruiz and Ernesto Valverde

Joann Ruiz, 20

Lehman College student, Yonkers

Q: How will the current crisis in Egypt affect the Middle East?

A: Jordan kicked out their old administration and replaced it, showing that they are fearful of revolts and of their citizens coming and trying to cause these changes. So there’s definitely a domino effect and it could lead to more uproar.

Ernesto Valverde, 21

Manhattan College student, Riverdale

Q:  How do you think the Egypt crisis will impact the United States?

A: The sense of a free and open Internet will be threatened, we might even revolt. Maybe it will not be so free and open as we think it is.

Diane Suarez, 29

Tremont, The Bronx

Q: What are your thoughts on the revolution that is going on in Egypt?

A: I’m with the Egyptian people every step of the way first and foremost. This revolution is going to be looked at as positive in the future because their lifestyle is going to be completely different.

Q: Will this revolution unite or break apart the Middle East?

A: I think it will unite the Middle East in the long run, but bring a lot of tension in the Middle East in the short run.

Rayshaun Perkins, 31

Gun Hill, The Bronx

Q: What are your thoughts on the revolution that is happening in Egypt?

A: I agree with this movement because the Egyptian people are clearly fed up with their current situation and see no end in sight, especially with this guy who has abused his power for a long time.

Q: Does this hurt America’s image?

A: I personally think it helps this country’s image in that America does not oppress its own people. Maybe people in the Middle East won’t have all that hate towards America it seems like they have now.

Q: Will this revolution unite or break apart the Middle East?

A: In my opinion it brings more chaos into the Middle East than it already has.

Renan G. Ovalles, 24

Q: Do you think that tourism will be affected?

A: After time passes and the country becomes stable, there will be no reason to avoid going there. Besides, the prices will probably be amazing.

Youssry Youssef, 51

Q: What do you think is happening in Egypt?

A:  It’s the people’s revolution against a dictatorship.

Oluwole Onemola, 21

Board Vice President of Lehman Student Government

Q: How do you feel the events in Egypt will affect the US?

A: The US has interfered in the Middle East for a long time. A lot of Egyptians are anti-US  as a result of that. If their government does step down, the new government will probably step away from us. This is going to affect our trading.

Q: Do these events affect you personally?

A: I’m not affected by this but I do feel that they should “Let freedom ring.” I support liberal peaceful radical protest.

Q: How do you think our government should handle it?

A: If they do get a new president and they step away from us, we almost deserve it.

Josephine Martinez, 20

Lehman College student

Q: How do you feel the events in Egypt affect the US?

A: The US is always in everyone’s business, just like with North Korea. We will probably end up in another war.

Q: Do these events affect you personally?

A: I personally want to help, but I don’t know how.

Q: How do you think our government should handle it?

A: Our government should back off and try not to influence anything.

Nia, 19

Lehman College student

Q: How do you feel the events in Egypt affect the US?

A: I doubt it would really affect us.

Q: Do these events affect you personally?

A: I personally don’t care.

Q: How do you think our government should handle it?

A: We should mind our business. That’s an Egyptian problem and we have our own.

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